In 2017, I crossed paths with the fabulous Tara (then Punter, now Best) when I needed a PR whiz to help me launch my country & equestrian inspired handbag line. Since then, I've watched her create a coaching empire, open a bricks and mortar business, write and launch a best selling book, launch a podcast and sprinkle her magic all over, transforming 1000's of business owners lives left and right! I'm so excited to share this mega insightful and insanely valuable conversation with you.. So please, help me in welcoming... Tara Best owner and founder of The Best Coaching Company is an International business and mindset coach. She's a pink obsessed, Champagne loving, fast car driving country girl on a mission to change the mindset of 1,000,000 people by 2025. She thrives on helping business owners at all levels create a life and business that truly lights them up. Tara is a force to be reckoned with in the entrepreneurial world, coaching business owners to grow authentically while staying true to their unique selves. With a track record of helping women 10X their revenue, writing a bestselling book, and launching successful businesses, Tara is a powerhouse in the coaching industry. In 2022, she celebrated the grand opening of her and her husband's shiny new farm shop in the Cotswolds, which has proven to be incredibly successful. The business has experienced rapid expansion with the introduction of new products, increased sales, and recently, a highly successful Easter weekend event that drew customers from all over.
Oh and lets not forget her most important achievement - training her beloved Jack Russell, Kiwi, to be her trusted co-founder and right-hand companion!
Whassup T, Lets Go! What is your why?
When I started my business back in June 2015, my why was very strong in that I wanted to create my own successful business so I never had to go and work for someone else again! Now, it is to help business owners and those working in the corporate world create a life and business they love and can’t wait to wake up to!
Our clients charge from £1500 up to £20,000 per person for their retreats... Can you elaborate on the mindset that distinguishes facilitators who are able to command higher fees?
I ran my first retreat in 2020, and had some massive learnings from it. It sold out in days, and I poured SO much into it. So much in fact, that it made all of £10 in profit. For a first event, I was pleased that it didn't run at a loss, but for the amount of work, time, investments, costs and energy that goes into it, I knew that price had to go up. Since, then, I've run 7 more retreats of the exact same layout, format, duration and location, and the price has gone up twice since. For me, the price went up when I realised a couple of things. Firstly, the results, growth and shifts that my clients experience at these events. Because my events are transformational, I soon realised I could easily charge double and still get them an amazing return (and life changing experience) on their investment. Secondly, as the brand awareness grew, so could the price. And thirdly, I recognised that these events kept selling out, which made me question whether I was undercharging. For me personally, I'd rather pay more and get a higher quality experience so my focus went towards delivering a high level experience.
Pricing and what you're willing to charge, is aligned to your money mindset. Your money mindset is your thoughts, beliefs, habits, memories and emotions around all things money, from your charging, receiving money, sending invoices, following up, sales and any resistance around putting your prices up. A lot of the work I do with my clients is around pricing and their various offers for different types of clients. Resistance around putting prices up can be linked to not feeling good enough, not feeling worthy, lacking confidence or feeling like an imposter, that feeling of having blagged your results. These beliefs can all be worked on with the inner deep subconscious work I do with my clients. As someone who started out charging £75 for one coaching session, I never dreamt I'd be able to charge £18,000 for longer term private coaching and mentorship (and that investment is about to go up!) but having worked on my mindset (with coaches and with a morning routine every single day) since October 2018, I now fully believe in my ability to help someone change their life, grow their business and sell out their offers. For me, the core piece of the mindset puzzle when it comes to mindset is self belief. I truly believe self belief is your superpower.
I'd also love to say, so many service providers struggle with putting their prices up because they want to be of service and they do what they do because they love to help people. I get that, and wholeheartedly agree. I want to be, and am of, service to my clients, my followers and those that are yet to find me, but I also realise that the more I can earn, the more impact I can create and the more people I can help. My offers are designed in a way that there are options for all, from a £147 a month membership, right up to 12 months private high level 1:1 coaching and mentorship and everything in between. There's a real ripple effect when money gets into the hands of good hearted people. Never forget that.
Who do you speak to? (Who is your audience)
I have a very varied audience and client group. As the author of Magnificent Mindset, I speak to anyone who wants to work on their mindset, from those that are employed to stay at home parents, corporate career ladder climbers and business owners and everyone in between! As a business coach, I help business owners at all levels, in all industries, from those wanting to start a business, to those looking to scale one! And as a mindset coach, I help driven, busy professionals, both business owners and those who are employed. The thing that ties them all together is their desire for more, their desire for growth and their desire to change their life!
What are the biggest challenges service-based businesses face?
Pricing. I find that a lot of service providers who are fresh out of employment constantly think back to an hourly rate when pricing themselves, when in reality, their pricing should be based upon what the result and outcome of the duration of time is. So many people don’t feel they are able to charge what they really want to, and fear putting their prices up. When that fear is present, packaging offers and showing up confidently to sell online becomes a challenge too. It’s all part of the mindset and marketing framework I take my clients through! When you truly believe in your pricing and packages, and can show up confidently to sell them, sales flow and magic happens.
What are the most important qualities of a successful business coach?
Authenticity, embodiment, integrity and being results focused. I’ve been coaching since 2017 and in that time have seen some real out of integrity behaviour. To me, authenticity is about owning who you are, owning your journey, being wholeheartedly you and using your own journey to coach on. Embodiment follows on from this, because it’s very much about coaching and mentoring on what you do, live, breathe and have been through. To me, acting in integrity is about honesty. Being honest about your results, your clients results, doing what you say you’ll do and no BS marketing tactics! And then client results are imperative. I feel there are too many people out there who are willing to just take someones money without getting results, 2024 is the year this gets shaken up!
We all know how social media has supercharged peoples businesses but what are the pitfalls?
Comparisonitis is a big one. Social media is amazing for what it enables us to do, but at the end of the day, it is just a highlights reel, and I think people often forget that. I always want to be so genuine and authentic on my platforms and tell the highs and lows of building businesses. If me sharing my own challenges helps one person, then to me, that is a win. Distraction is another pitfall. It’s so easy to go down the Insta rabbit hole and lose hours doom scrolling. Just imagine if that time could be put into creating content rather than consuming it! We’ve got to be really intentional with how we spend our time, knowing the actions we’re taking are taking us closer to our goals!
What does your ideal client look like?
Driven, determined, doesn’t mind me saying ‘fu**’ and desires more from their life!
What do you predict will be the major business trends in 2024?
Those that act in integrity and are more committed to their clients results than ever before will soar high, and those that aren’t will go back to get a job. Businesses are thriving, and it’s those who are really genuine who are seeing the great results and growth.
What are the top 3 attributes required to be a 6 figure business coach?
Consistency, optimism and resilience.
What are the most common obstacles to growth?
Mindset - Your success is literally down to your mindset, that is, your thoughts, habits, memories and emotions. Not believing in yourself, not being able to handle setbacks and needing external validation will constantly keep you stuck.
Lack of consistency - Now more than ever, there’s a real lack of consistency among business owners. It’s like we have Magpie syndrome, wanting to go find the next quick fix or shiny object. Consistency of the small habits that align to what you desire will create insane results.
Wanting immediate results - We’re in a real generation of wanting immediate results; Amazon Prime has a lot to answer for here! Successful business owners are willing to put in the hours, keep showing up and doing the work even when they don’t see results and are happy to keep tweaking until they find what works. The consistency of showing up even when you don’t have immediate results is what will compound overtime, and suddenly, it looks like everything has worked out! That’s a million dollar habit in itself!
What are your top 3 tips and must do’s for people starting out in business?
Invest in yourself before you’re ready. You’ll save time, and stress, and get results quicker. It will never be the perfect or right time to invest, investing before I was ready or before I had the money definitely helped me build what I have today.
Work on your mindset daily. Question your entire belief system, get yourself into a strong mindset and flood your mind with success, inspiration, motivation and joy daily. Work on your self belief and confidence regularly. Be really mindful what you let into your mind. You’d think everyone wants you to succeed, but sometimes their reactions to you going out on your own isn’t always positive!
Just take messy action. Don’t overthink your website, your logo, your offers, your socials. Just start. Take teeny tiny steps regularly
How do you help people and where can people find you? I help them change their lives! I love helping clients get clear on their vision of success and their desires, create success on their terms, show up confidently in a way that feels good to them and feel fan-fu**ing-tastic most of the time. I love the work I get to do, the clients I work with and how together, we’re changing the world. I hang out most on Instagram, also have a #1 best selling book, Magnificent Mindset, a podcast called Thrive in Life and Business.
We hope this Q&A session inspires you and we welcome your feedback and support in building our community. Lets spread the word together! With Love Always. H <3